How can People Showcase help me get past the bots and get noticed by hiring managers?

The goal is for you to put your best foot forward presenting yourself so that future employers can come to know more about you. With your People Showcase profile, you'll go beyond your resume. Your videos will make you stand out and differentiate you from your competition. You'll be able to tell hiring managers more about your skills and experience and let them know why they should hire you. And even though People Showcase will help you stand out, we also built it to help you get past the bots - so you can be found in the Public Showcase by real hiring managers who are hoping to find someone with your background, personality and interests that they beleive will align with their culture and skill needs.

Use these FAQs and the Resources we've compiled to help you successfully navigate the site, ensure you're set up the way you want to be viewed, and you've put your best foot forward in your profile.

3 Steps to get past the bots, get noticed by hiring managers and get hired!

  • Step 1 : Create your profile. This is your chance to stand out and express the real you. Tell employers why they should hire you. Click here to see a sample profile.

  • Step 2 : Send your unique profile link privately to specific companies, or you can put your unique profile link everywhere - on your resume, job applications, emails, etc.

  • Step 3 : Your most important step. Share your profile link with friends, family, colleagues and anyone you believe can help introduce you into a great opportunity or who can and will forward your profile to a great hiring manager they know. Help them Help you!

Once I've signed up, what do I do next?

Getting Around the Site

Use the Icons

  • There are icons on the top of your profile page that will turn from red to green as you complete required fields or when something is ready to go and is turned on. Red means incomplete or turned off. These also serve as quick link buttons that, when clicked, take you to that part of your profile to make changes.

  • There are also several white icons on the top of your profile page, which serve as quick link buttons to various places in the site. You can hover over the icon button to find out where it will take you when clicked:

    • The white Question Button will take you to our Resources page where you'll find recommendations for what to say in your 'introduce yourself' video, or how to look great on your videos and in your pictures, or how to add video and moving pictures to your video if you want to add some creative splash to your profile. Remember, you want to put your best foot forward, but you also want to get noticed and ultimately hired. Be creative, you can make unlimited videos that you can switch up and share for different roles. A creative video for a particular role might just be your key differentiator.

    • While logged in, you can quickly navigate back to your profile page from wherever you are on the website by clicking the white Profile Button.

    • The white Settings Button (gear icon) will take you directly to your User Details where you can view/manage your personal information. As you'll see, you can also uncheck 'Show Profile' to remove it from Public Showcase page, e.g., if you're in the final round for that perfect job. Be sure to hit 'submit' to save any changes you make.

    • The white Profile Fields Button (binoculars icon) will take you directly to the Profile Fields page where you can check or uncheck various fields on and off depending on what you want displayed publicly. When items are checked on the Profile Fields page, they will be shown on your profile. When items are unchecked, they are simply hidden from your profile. However, when you uncheck Photos, all photos on your profile will convert to the platform's placeholder images.

  • Once you've completed your profile, and you're ready to share it with others, click the colourful orange and red Copy Profile Link Button at the top of your profile. When you click this button, you will have copied the link to your unique profile. Paste it and share it wherever you'd like - in an email to someone, in your online social media profiles, in your resume/bio, etc.

  • Your profile will be found by employers, hiring managers, and recruiters.

  • REMEMBER: If for any reason you don't wish to be found on the Public Showcase page, you can change this setting in the Edit User Details page by unchecking 'Show Profile'. Be sure you re-check this field when you're ready to be found on the Public Showcase page again.

DON'T FORGET to hit 'submit' to save any changes you make.

Notifications Bell

  • The bell in the top right for notifications lets you know which parts of your profile may still need to be completed.

Drop-down Menu

  • You can click your picture at the top right of the screen for the drop-down menu to get to the Public Showcase page.

  • Also in the drop-down menu, you can click Subscription to manage your subscription.

  • You'll also use the drop-down menu to Logout.

To contact us, scroll to the bottom of the website and under Company, click Contact Us. Responses to inquiries made to us through our Contact Us page are typically responded to within 1 business day whenever possible.

What do I do if my video won't upload? (Troubleshooting Tips)

The platform allows you to upload a video if preferred over recording directly into the platform. If you're having trouble uploading your video to your profile, please try the troubleshooting tips listed below.

  • Be sure you're using the most updated browser version. (Note: The most popular browsers are Chrome and Edge, and our site is optimised for those browsers.)

  • Make sure your video is 90 seconds or less in length because longer videos can tend to be too large for the platform to upload.

  • Typically, videos are uploaded within 1 to 3 minutes. If your upload is taking longer than anticipated, it might be due to internet speed or file size.

  • The site will accept the following video formats (file extensions), which are mp4, mov, and webm. If you're not using one of these, you might need to convert the format. There are a few free online tools to allow you to do this.

  • You might also find it helpful to clear the cache in your internet browser and refresh the page. To clear your browser cache, simply navigate to your browser's settings, find the 'Clear Browsing Data' or 'Clear Cache' option, select the data you want to remove (like cookies, cached images, and browsing history), and then confirm the action.

If you've tried the tips listed above and are still having trouble uploading your video, please reach out to us through our Contact Us page. You can also use the blue Feedback tab to the right of the screen.

Can I hide my profile from the Public Showcase and only share my profile link with people privately?

Yes, your profile will be seen on the Public Showcase page by default, but if for any reason you don't wish to be found on the Public Showcase page, you can change this setting in the Edit User Details page. You may want to 'hide' your profile if you're in the final stages of that perfect role. To change the setting, click the Settings icon button (gear icon) at the top of your profile. This will take you to the Edit User Details page, where you can uncheck 'Show Profile'. Just be sure you re-check it again when you're ready to be found on the Public Showcase page again.

How do employers or recruiters contact me if they're interested in me?

People can contact you directly through the website by clicking the contact button on your profile located on the left side of the screen beneath your name, picture, and availability information. Be aware that your email address and phone number are never displayed on your public profile. The only way they can see your email or phone number is if you choose to provide this information, for example, on your uploaded resume/CV or bio. What you choose to provide is entirely up to you. You have control of your profile. When someone clicks the contact button on your profile, they can send you an email through the website to your inbox. When you see their email come through People Showcase to your inbox, you can choose to respond directly to them or not.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to check your spam folder, and please mark '' as a safe sender to ensure that you recieve these emails ongoing.

How do I increase my chances of being found?

When you visit the Public Showcase page and look at the options under the Showcase Filters, you'll see what employers can search for on your profile. They can find you based on certain Profile Fields you complete and then decide to display or hide on your profile. These include your name, your city/state/country, your desired role(s), and, of course, your availability. All the answers you provide in the Career Q&A fields are searchable as well. To appear in more such results, keep the following in mind:

  • Job Title - Employers like to search based on job role/title, so carefully consider what you include as your desired roles. These appear under your name on your profile and can be edited there, and you can edit this in your answer to 'What role(s)/title(s) do you want to be hired for?' in the Career Q&A. Also carefully consider what you provide on the Career Q&A as the answer to 'List your most recent/previous titles and industries, as well as the number of years worked in those titles and industries.' NOTE: Employers and recruiters will also be searching based on key words they're looking for, so you'll want to include key words you want to be found by (more on this below).

    Pro Tip: If you want to be found, use clear and concise titles, and use the most typical name for your job title. For example, if your employer gave you a title like 'Happiness Hero,' we recommend that you change it to something more widely recognised like 'Customer Service Representative' in the Job Role field of your Career Q&A.

  • Industry - For many employers, industry-related experience is important. To increase your chances of being found based on industry-related experience, don't forget to include industries in your answer to 'List your most recent/previous titles and industries, as well as the number of years worked in those titles and industries'. in the Career Q&A. (Examples: real estate, accounting, oil and gas, healthcare).

  • Education & Training - Employers might also search for candidates with relevant certifications and licenses, as well as specific education credentials and degrees. Be sure to include a detailed answer in the Career Q&A to the question, 'What degrees, certifications, licenses, additional education, and/or professional training have you received?' While there isn't a search field specifically for this under the Showcase Filters, employers might choose to type in search keywords related to education, training, certifications, and licenses.

  • Keywords & Skills - While completing your Career Q&A, be sure to include the skills most in demand for the job you want. These are the skills that are specific to your trade/profession and industry. In case you're wondering, yes, it's fine to include acronyms as long as you also include the long form for what they represent in case employers search using either. Other keywords and skills employers like to search for include foreign language skills, industry-specific methodologies, and technology applications, software, tools, platforms, etc. Lastly, employers may be looking for where you are or can work geographically so be sure and note this on if you have preferences.

    Pro Tip: Use the section in your Career Q&A where it asks 'What keywords/skills would you like to add to your profile?' to include the kinds of skills listed above instead of providing adjectives and intangible qualities. You might weave adjectives like 'results-driven' and intangible qualities like 'emotional intelligence' into your answers for 'What are the top three things that you like doing the most in your work?'; 'What do you see as your strongest skills, and what are your key challenges?'; and/or 'What type of work environments do you prefer?' However, the most obvious place to include adjectives and intangibles is at the end of the Career Q&A under 'Optional' - this is where you're encouraged to share something unique about yourself personally or professionally below. The bottom line is that it's best not to load up your keywords/skills list with adjectives and intangibles because even though they will appreciate seeing them on your profile, your profile is you putting your best foot forward in an authentic and human way. Be real, highlight your best attributes or even take a chance and be vulnerable in this section. No other platform allows you to showcase who you are and what type of role and position you're looking to thrive in.

What if I want remote work only and don't want to include a location?

You will be asked to provide a primary location when you sign up, but you can hide it from your profile if you'd like by unchecking those options on the Profile Fields page. Just keep in mind, you might miss an opportunity if someone is searching geographically. You can always list other places you'd like to work, and you can speak to your flexibility in the optional section at the end.

Can I change out my video(s)?

Yes, you can replace your videos with new ones whenever you'd like and as many times as you'd like. While logged into your profile, simply click the edit icon above the video that you want to replace. You can record or upload a new video any time. You can also replace a video that you've previously uploaded or recorded within the site and make it visible by using the switch icon, noting that only up to two videos will display at a time. You can also download any of your videos from the site if you'd like to use them elsewhere.

How much does People Showcase cost?

It's free during this promotional new offer stage. Pricing thereafter will be based on market response.

What is the cancellation policy?

You can cancel at any time. Cancellation is effective at the end of your current monthly subscription period. To cancel/unsubscribe, you must be logged in. To cancel/unsubscribe, click your picture at top right of the screen from the drop-down menu. Click 'Subscription', which will take you to the page where you'll see your subscription details and the 'Cancel my Subscription' button.

What happens to my video(s) and profile information if I cancel my subscription?

Your profile will be removed from the Public Showcase, and no one will be able to see your profile; however, your video(s) and profile information will be kept in archive status for 90 days before being deleted completely. This way, if you wish to restart your subscription and reactivate your profile before that 90-day period expires, you may log in and do so without having to rebuild your profile. Should you wish to return to People Showcase in the future, you would simply create a new account and profile with us.

How do I delete my profile permanently?

Click the Settings icon button (gear icon) at the top of your profile. Click Account Management. Click the Delete Account button.


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